The Offices at Prosper Trail

Prosper, Texas

Phase 1 - SOLD OUT

Phase 2 - Contracts are NOW Available!

Call (214) 476-0079 or Contact Us to learn more.

  • 1630 W Prosper Trail Prosper, TX 75078

    NWC Prosper Trail & Shawnee Trail Prosper, TX 75078

  • Buildings: 14

    Units: 54

    0.25 miles west of Dallas North Tollway

    2 miles north of US Hwy 380

    Surrounding residential developments: Star Trail (south), Legacy Gardens (north), Windsong Ranch (west)


The data that drives the success.

  1. Population within a 10-minute drive time of the site is 65,330.  Of that, 13% of those people fit the “Cloudloft profile.” 

  2. Average net worth within 10-minute drive time is $2,062,509. (By comparison, DFW MSA is $935,836). 

  3. 27% of the population within a 10-minute drive time has household income of $200,000 or more. (By comparison, DFW is 11%).  

  4. Population growth rate is 5.50% (DFW is 1.85%, Texas is 1.54%)

Updated color and finishes offer a modern office experience.

Imagine Office Space Like This

1630 W Prosper Trail Prosper, TX 75078


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The Offices at Prosper 380